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How to Create a Sitemap Page in Blogger for Better SEO

Create an SEO-friendly sitemap for Blogger to boost search rankings, improve site navigation, and enhance user experience. Easy step-by-step ...

A sitemap is an essential tool for improving your blog's SEO. It helps search engines crawl your site more efficiently and offers users a complete overview of all your blog posts. If you’re using Blogger, here’s a quick guide to create a Sitemap Page!

What is a Sitemap?

A sitemap is like a website map showing all your important pages. It helps search engines like Google find and understand your website and allows visitors to see what content is available. 

Two Types of Sitemaps:

  1. XML Sitemap: For search engines to crawl and index your site.
  2. HTML Sitemap: For visitors to navigate your pages easily.

 Why is a Sitemap Important?

A sitemap helps search engines understand your blog's structure and makes it easier for crawlers to find and index your content, boosting your search rankings. It also helps readers browse your posts quickly.

How a Sitemap Works:

  • For Search Engines: Crawlers use sitemaps to explore your site and add pages to their index.
  • For Visitors: An HTML sitemap helps users navigate and find specific content.

Steps to Create a Sitemap Page in Blogger:

  1.  Log in to Blogger and go to the Pages section.
  2. Create a new page and title it “Sitemap.”
  3. Switch to HTML view and add this code:

<div class="sitemaps" id="sitemaps">
  <div class="loading">Loading....</div>
/* Blogger Sitemap Dropdown */
var toc_config = {containerId:'sitemaps', showNew:0, sortAlphabetically:{thePanel:true, theList:true}, activePanel:1, slideSpeed:{down:400, up:400}, slideEasing:{down: null, up: null}, slideCallback:{down:function(){}, up:function(){}}, clickCallback:function(){}, jsonCallback:'sitemaps',delayLoading: 0};
window.onload = function(){
!function(e,o){var t=o.getElementById(toc_config.containerId),c=o.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=[];e[toc_config.jsonCallback]=function(e){for(var o,c,i=e.feed.entry,a=e.feed.category,l="",s=0,d=a.length;d>s;++s)n.push(a[s].term);for(var r=0,f=i.length;f>r;++r)(toc_config.showNew||toc_config.showNew>0)&&r<toc_config.showNew+1&&(i[r].title.$t+=" %new%");i=toc_config.sortAlphabetically.theList?i.sort(function(e,o){return e.title.$t.localeCompare(o.title.$t)}):i,toc_config.sortAlphabetically.thePanel&&n.sort();for(var g=0,h=n.length;h>g;++g){l+='<div class=\"sitemap-box\"><h4 class=\"judul\">'+n[g]+'</h4>',l+='<div class=\"konten\"><ol>';for(var _=0,p=i.length;p>_;++_){o=i[_].title.$t;for(var w=0,u=i[_].link.length;u>w;++w)if("alternate"==i[_].link[w].rel){c=i[_].link[w].href;break}for(var v=0,m=i[_].category.length;m>v;++v)n[g]==i[_].category[v].term&&(l+='<li><a href=\"'+c+'\" title=\"'+o.replace(/ \%new\%$/,"")+'\">'+o.replace(/ \%new\%$/,"")+'</a></li>')}l+='</ol></div></div>'}t.innerHTML=l,"undefined"!=typeof jQuery&&($("#"+toc_config.containerId+" .konten").hide(),$("#"+toc_config.containerId+" .judul").click(function(){$(this).hasClass("aktif")||(toc_config.clickCallback(this),$("#"+toc_config.containerId+" .judul").removeClass("aktif").next().slideUp(toc_config.slideSpeed.up,toc_config.slideEasing.up,toc_config.slideCallback.up),$(this).addClass("aktif").next().slideDown(toc_config.slideSpeed.down,toc_config.slideEasing.down,toc_config.slideCallback.down))}).eq(toc_config.activePanel-1).addClass("aktif").next().slideDown(toc_config.slideSpeed.down,toc_config.slideEasing.down,toc_config.slideCallback.down))};var i=o.createElement("script");i.src="https://www.pskathait.in//feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&max-results=9999&callback="+toc_config.jsonCallback,"onload"==toc_config.delayLoading?e.onload=function(){c.appendChild(i)}:e.setTimeout(function(){c.appendChild(i)},toc_config.delayLoading)}(window,document);

4. Publish the page.

Benefits of a Sitemap:

  • Improved SEO: Helps search engines index your content faster.
  • User-Friendly: Provides visitors with an easy way to browse your posts.

Pro Tip: Regularly update your sitemap and submit it to Google Search Console for better indexing!


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